Get Rid of Marijuana Addiction – Tips By Deaddiction Specialist in Patna

How to Get Rid of Marijuana Addiction

Get Rid of Marijuana Addiction – Tips By Deaddiction Specialist in Patna

Marijuana is a type of addiction that is becoming very common nowadays.

Every other adolescent or adult has a knack for smoking weed. But How to Get rid of Marijuana Addiction??

Occasionally, smoking weed can be okay, but the issue is when smoking for fun becomes an addiction. Do you think you need to smoke weed every hour?

Do you feel your addiction is getting out of hand? The answers to the above question can be available from the Deaddiction Specialist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh.

Cannabis use has grave effects on physical and mental health. A lot of people develop this disorder as they were trying it out for fun and then gradually get hooked up on it.

And, they keep on smoking, turning up your body’s resistance levels eventually resulting in it developing tolerance. Once the tolerance level develops, addiction turns to disorder.

This can lead to fatal outcomes such as overdosing on drugs. So How to Get rid of Marijuana Addiction?


How many cigarettes a day is safe? 

Considering the damage smoking cigarettes does to one’s lungs, no amount is the safe threshold. Saying that one who is smoking one or two cigarettes a day will still benefit from the person who is smoking a whole packet in a day.

People survive for quite a time by smoking or reducing their consumption of tobacco to one cigarette. However, that in no way means that smoking is safe.

Smoking releases harmful toxins in the lungs. These toxins have been known to damage lungs beyond repair after persistent smoking. 

Smoking leads to developing a chronic cough and can worsen asthma with frequently occurring attacks. It damages the respiratory system to the extent that cilia, tiny projections suffer and can’t prevent the dirt and mucus from entering.

This leads to vulnerability to infections ;ike tuberculosis, or pneumonia. 


How to stop smoking suddenly?

Stopping smoking is not an easy task. It needs a lot of will and determination to reach that level. Smoking cannot be stopped suddenly.

The withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe when one decides to suddenly stop smoking. The body is adjusted to the state of dependence of smoking, not introducing the substance in the body one day out of nowhere makes the body react dangerously.

However, if an individual has enough motivation to do it, bearing whatever withdrawal symptoms they face, it’s not impossible.

Although, the chances of relapsing increase ten-fold during this phase. Rather than stopping suddenly, one should focus on tapering it slowly.

This way gradually the body’s dependence will decline resulting in a smooth journey with reduced and manageable withdrawal symptoms. 


What are the 5 steps to quitting smoking?

Smoking and addiction have different stories for every individual. It’s not necessary what worked for one person will work for everyone.

It’s important to know oneself, know their triggers and work accordingly on your pathway to quit smoking. The most common 5 tips that have helped most people quit smoking are as follows 

First and foremost, deciding to quit smoking should be one’s own decision. A lot of times when it is forced, it doesn’t really help and they end up relapsing.

So, have a conversation with yourself, that you’re prepared to do this and no matter what you have to succeed. There’s no going back from here. Sometimes, self-confidence can go a long way. 

Triggers are very important to know when one stops smoking. It’s important to know things, objects, places, or people that can be a trigger for your stress that can strike you to smoke.

At times, there is bad memory or flashbacks associated that can act as a trigger. There are two things one can do, whether face the trigger or avoid the trigger altogether.

If one knows they are strong enough to face the trigger and not relapse, sure go ahead.

But, even with the slightest doubt that they are not capable of facing the dreadful situation, one should avoid it until they have healed enough to face it.

Try finding things that can distract you. There might be certain specific times during which one smokes more.

During these periods, doing something you like or keeping yourself busy can lead to reduced cravings. Keep a routine that you can stick to.

It is important for your mental well-being that you keep yourself occupied with activities that you like that will help you think less about your addiction. 

Working out and exercising is a great way to help release stress. Taking walks in the garden and people-watching can help put your mind off the issues in your life.

Regular exercising will leave you feeling energized for longer periods of time boating happy pheromones in the body and thus not feeling a need to smoke. 

Self-care is the best therapy in this world. Go for long baths, paint, have a spa day, put on face masks and relax, meditate, and do yoga.

These are some activities that can help you feel at peace with yourself. It helps calm down your mind. 


Can i give up smoking? 

Smoking has long term health effects. And, these effects can shorten the lifespan. So, giving up on smoking has a lot of benefits.

It doesn’t matter if one has been smoking for long, once they decide to quit it is only gonna be beneficial for them. For the well-being oof the body, a lot of people ask how do I give up smoking? 

The answer to that is, there are various ways and tips one can follow to give up smoking. 

Set a goal in life that one has to achieve. Looking forward to achieving that goal can give one motivation to stop smoking. With the plan in mind, make a routine that can keep one on track. 

Staying sober takes a lot from a person. During this time, if one has a stable support system that can help them when they are down, it works wonders for their journey.

One needs emotional and mental support during this period as they are dealing with emotions like anxiety, fear of relapse, or panic attacks.

To navigate through all of this, one needs someone who can be there for them and trust them to share everything they are going through. In most cases, this can be family, or close friends. 

Try finding a replacement for How to Get rid of Marijuana Addiction. For example, finding a hobby or activities like yoga and meditation can help one distract themselves from the cravings they get. 

You can also read about Effect of substance abuse on Mental Health!

Smoking Withdrawal Timeline 

Once after quitting smoking, one has to undergo withdrawal symptoms such as

  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety 
  • Aggression 
  • Anger 
  • Mood changes
  • Insomnia 
  • Nightmares 

After smoking cessation, for several weeks, the withdrawal symptoms will continue gradually tapering off. 

30 mins to 4 hours: wearing off of nicotine effects and increased craving for smoking.  24 hours: cigarette craving with feelings of restlessness, and hopelessness. One will feel anxious and sad. 


What happens on day 6 of no smoking? 

During this week, irritability and headaches kick in. The individual gets aggressive and experiences sleep abnormalities.

This week is very crucial as the symptoms will be worse and resisting the craving gets on your nerves. If one survives this week, the worst has passed. Now, one has to maintain this streak avoiding triggers and feelings of craving. 


What happens after 21 days of not smoking? 

The anxiety and withdrawal symptoms taper off gradually. The appetite starts getting normal. The depression and mood swings start to get better. The individual will start feeling good about themselves. 


What happens after 6 weeks of not smoking? 

If you’ve kept yourself sober for 6 weeks, now it’s a mental challenge for you to keep resisting the urge and avoid any triggers that can put you back on your recovery game.

How to Get rid of Marijuana Addiction recovery is not easy but keeping a strong faith and will towards the goal can lead to amazing results. 


Can I recover after I stop smoking? 

After smoking cessation, one saves themself from a number of lung conditions. Their risk of dying from any medical condition associated with smoking reduces by 40%. After one stops smoking, they will notice these changes 

  • The sense of smell returns 
  • Food tastes better
  • The teeth and fingernails turned yellow start getting better 
  • Activities like climbing stairs, hiking, walking uphill make you breathless will get better. 


How do you clean lungs after smoking? 

The lungs get damaged by persistent smoking over the years. To cleanse the lungs after it’s damaged from smoking, one can 

  • Steam therapy is defined as inhaling steam to open airways. 
  • Controlling coughing loosens mucus. 
  • Lying in different positions like on your back, on your side or on your stomach to drain mucus from the lungs by using gravity is called postural drainage. 
  • Green tea has antioxidants that lessen lung inflammation. 


Do lungs heal after smoking? 

Sometimes, when the person has smoked all his life, the lungs have undergone irreparable damage.

Although, if the individual has quit smoking in time, the damage can be reversible with medications and breathing therapy. 

Lifestyle Tips on How to Get rid of Marijuana Addiction and changes can help remove mucus from lungs. 

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