09 Oct Aftercare And Relapse Prevention – How To Help Addicted People?
Have you got yourself on the long road to recovery? A person getting admitted to a rehab center and helping themselves live a sober life tells a lot about someone.
So, if there’s someone out there who needs an Aftercare And Relapse Prevention after they have been through the toughest part, we’re here. Visit the Deaddiction center in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh.
To live a sober life and not relapse again, there are a lot of after care programmes available, that one can enroll themselves in.
An Aftercare And Relapse Prevention programme focuses on their mental and physical health after the detoxification process is finished. It helps patients adopt their routine life, while dealing with the relapse symptoms.
Patients fighting with addiction have a very tough life ahead of them. Even after detoxifying, and resisting the craving for drugs the patients have to deal with a complete new life out of their bubble. At the rehab facility, they had a routine.
Now, they have to interact with the outside world, their friends and family which can be proved difficult for some people who dealing with feelings of guilt and anxiety.
After a rehab Aftercare And Relapse Prevention, the reality of the world can be hard for some people. After leaving the programme, a person is faced with getting a new job and finding financial independence.
Aftercare And Relapse Prevention:
Consider your triggers. The triggers that led to a previous relapse episode. Determine what factors causes you to fall back into your old habits. Once you know them, try and avoid them to not cause an episode like before.
- Try making a preventative list. Look for things one can do to prevent their relapse. For example,
- the support groups can help one feel better and adhere to their life as before.
- Working out or taking a walk can help relax mind and puts one at ease.
- Write a list about things you’re grateful for. It helps you have a positive view on life and makes you look forward to life.
- Living with people can impact your mind and heart. Surrounding oneself with their family and close one’s helps individual feel good. The time spent with their people makes them have a positive approach towards life.
At some rehab centres, they are already equipped with essential after care programmes for individuals.
The physician talks with the patient’s guardian or care provider for an appropriate after care programme that is tailored to the patient’s needs and requirements.
Every individual has different kinds of addiciton, and accordingly they are treated. Some, with lower addiction levels may have low chances of relapse.
So, their after care should be seen in the way the patient can transition to their routine better.
When one is looking for an after care programme, they make sure it offers all the best quality services and options.
One can need morale support from family during such emotional time. It’s necessary that the programme involves family inclusion.
It can make for a positive and enlightening atmosphere around for the individual. This eventually helps the mental condition of the person.
Once, the recovery journey begins, the programme should make sure the individual is capable of reappearing in the real world.
The individual should be taught the ways to stay sober and resist the urge to use substances. The programme can help them by provididng with appropriate job opportunities options, or help plan their life ahead.
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While in the recovery, the individual in question should be accounted for their relapse. They should be made responsible to attend their regular support group meetings.
They should be committed to the after care regimen prepared for them as to not miss anything they have been advised. The regular medical appointments should be attended.
The physician and staff should ensure that the patient is following their advise and being cooperative. This builds a trust filled relationship and helps in individual recovery journey.
Sober living programme:
Sometimes, some individuals aren’t prepared to face the real world. They still need some kind of assistance and guidance to navigtae their life.
Sober living program can offer services like living in a setting that is feels less than a rehab facility. But, it consists of
- Curfew regulations
- 24/7 monitoring and support
- Sharpen skills
The residents may feel a sense of responsibility towards their sobriety. Those who don’t have any family or friends can feel someone is out there making sure they don’t derail. And that helps a lot in the recovery process.
Sober mentors:
Sober mentors are the kind of guradians who monitor your progress. They make sure of the commitment to the treatment.
Professionals who have undergone the recovery process, and the withdrawals. They know how to not fall into bad habits again. Can counsel and help navigate through craving feelings.
- They might act as a companion for events.
- Maintaining a constant communication with the family and friends about the recovery progress.
- Always on alert for mood changes or relapse signs.
- Make sure of the attendance to school or work.
Alumni programs:
Individuals who have gone through addiction and withdrawal symptoms are wary of them being alone in this journey.
Many a times, they might lose their focus, reason or sense of purpose. Calling alumni to community meetings, or support groups of a rehab facility can make them hope about a successful tomorrow.
Looking at people who have gone through what they are suffering, and have came out on the other side can motivate them to religiously follow the treatment and after care program. The feeling of loneliness gets dissipated. That itself can work wonders for these individuals.
A 12-step programme, means believing in a higher superpower. It is defined as giving yourself up to the hands of spirituality.
For some people, it brings comfort and they get self awareness, and their mind reaches a level of self satisfaction that helps them gain a new perspective for their life.
The self awareness helps them face their addiciton issues and can provide them with a standpoint for their choices and feelings.
After care therapy for families:
Addiciton does not only affect an individual. It affects the family and friends as whole. The family and friends also struggle to reconnect with the individual as they might have changed and may no longer be the same person.
The families also experience anxiety and overwhelming feelings of fear if the individual relapses. Or whether the person can resist the urge of cravings?
The family wouldn’t want to pressure by asking the individual such questions about the recovery, fearing it might strike feelings of guilt.
Thus the families are advised to engage in a therapy programme that counsels them on how to deal with the individual coping with addiciton issues.
The family can be reassured by listening to their anxious feelings and offering them answers that they can’t get from their close one’s.
Family education:
The families need psychological education as what to expect from this condition. They should know the highs and lows of addiction.
Knowing it is not always a happy go lucky situation, and the individuals might need empathy and emotional support the family should be prepared for that.
There’s a nice enough chance of relapse episodes occurring. A family should be trained to not panic and offer whatever care the concerned individual might need.
Sometimes, for some individuals abstaining from addiciton can be a life long journey. The familial support and their emotional vulnerability should be assessed periodically to monitor they don’t relapse.
Even after years of steering away from substances, a person shouldknow if they will be able to keep themselves committed to this. If they even have a minute doubt, that they can relapse they should keep continuing their support group meetings.
The continuation of an after care program even after years of attending rehab facility shouldn’t be a shameful.
Not every person have the same condition, and not everyone is dealing with the same emotions. It is important to know that sometimes some individuals might need constant support to get through what they are suffering from.
Addiciton is like a worm eating you up from inside. The one suffering through it, can only know what they are suffering from. Sometimes, the emotional support is not enough and they can feel overwhelming urge to use the substance.
During this phase, having people around who are non-judgemental and provide you with moral support is vital. Your vulnerable state can be too fragile to deal with everything you’re going through.
Making sure the individual doesn’t get to this stage, or even if they do, having a program and mentor that can deal with the situation efficiently is what the after care program is all about.
If you’re someone or you know someone suffering from Aftercare And Relapse Prevention addiction, feel free to visit the rehabilitation centre in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. They offer the best treatment regimen for your issues.
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