15 Nov Parenting Tips for ADHD Child of Any Age – Know Here
In simple words, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by the inability to stay still. A person is hyperactive in terms of controlling their impulses and emotions.
There’s a difficulty in managing tasks and paying attention that can affect their academic performances. Can your child sit still for 15-20 mins straight?
Does your child have a hard time following your instructions? If yes, some of these attributes are associated with a medical condition called ADHD, and getting a consult from a psychiatrist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh can be helpful.
As troubling as this medical condition can be for children, it is more so for parents who constantly have to monitor thwir children. Sometimes, iit gets to you and you end up feeling, ‘I have no patience for my ADHD child.’
Having these feelings is completely normal and you’re not a bad parent to feel these emotions. However, there are Parenting Tips for ADHD Child can follow to better manage their child.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder starting with diagnosis in childhood and can last until one grows up.
These children can have trouble focusing and finishing one task, and before finishing one they jump to another. They may act without thinking leading to impulsive behavior.
The signs and symptoms for this condition can start in childhood and might get severe in adulthood without any intervention. The children experiences following symptoms
- Forget or lose things
- Fidgets a lot
- Taking unnecessary risks
- Make careless mistakes
- Trouble resisting a temptation
- Talk too much
ADHD children cannot control their impulsivity even if they wanted to and thus can increase parents’ stress. Some symptoms specifically strain family relationships and disrupt family balance.
This leads to increased stress on parents which eventually negatively affects the care of the child. The parents can’t manage and give the best care to their children when they themselves are stressed about it.
Many studies have shown that mothers have reported increased stress in comparison due to their child’s adhd symptoms that has resulted in social problems and isolation.
Some of the stressors that adhd child or parent can experience are
- Trying to manage the behavioral issues
- Finding the funds and right treatment for their child
- Having to deal with outsider’s negative comments and unnecessary advices
- Interpersonal conflicts among parents and family due to the child’s diagnosis
These triggers can be the causes that affects the parents and child’s life. We can take a look here, to help with deal with these triggers and make a better life for the children as well as parents.
How to talk to a child with ADHD?
ADHD is a medical diagnosis that takes a toll on a child’s mind.
A child who is not mature enough to understand what is wrong with him should be dealt with in a manner that he understands the situation and leads to better outcomes.
These are some of the Parenting Tips for ADHD Child you can use to know how to talk to a child with ADHD
- First of all, help the child understand that no matter what, they are going to be loved and accepted. They should know it doesn’t affect their intelligence or brain development.
- Parents should select the discussion time according to the schedule of the child. For example, try talking when it’s not their playtime or any activity. That way, the child might listen more.
- Children can easily get scared while talking to them about their diagnosis. It’s important to make them realize that they are not alone in their journey. Provide them with examples of famous personalities with ADHD that can improve their knowledge about the disease and give them motivation.
Some children neglect their condition because of no interest. It takes children time to make sense of the new information they are being provided.
How to get a child with ADHD to listen?
Children with ADHD cannot sit and want to do things on a whim. So, it’s important to understand that Parenting Tips for ADHD Child is like getting an ADHD child to listen to you is a difficult process. However, it is not possible. For example,
- Consult your child’s physician to learn all about the disorder they are suffering from to determine the measures you need to take for managing the condition. This way, you will know more about the child’s symptoms and how to deal with it.
- Keep an open communication with your child. Try and ask them about their life, school, and daily activities they performed. This way they will talk and try to listen more to you about their lives.
- Start by small things. Don’t try to work on everything together. Focus on one activity and let them do it, while praising their efforts. Praising leaves them feeling good about themselves and motivates them to listen to you and work better.
ADHD can affect every child differently. The problems and challenges they face should not be their journey alone, the parents should be there for their child every step of the way. This leads to build up of trust and confidence in the child.
Strategies for ADHD child at home
Adhd strategies for parents consist of learning the child’s behavior at every stage. They should know how the child is going to react to various stimuli and accordingly act around them. Some of the Parenting Tips for ADHD Child they can adopt are
- Children with ADHD struggle to make friends because of their impulsivity and risk-taking behavior. It’s important to talk to them about their social skills. Make them so comfortable that they can share each and everything with you without the fear of being judged.
- Talk with the child’s school and get involved with the teachers to know about how the child is doing and monitoring the progress.
- Develop healthy eating habits and practice physical exercise. When the child’s energy is being used up in other extracurricular activities, it will sharpen the child’s brain and keep the child engaged in things that will help him in the long run.
- Limit the daily screen time for children. Put up parental lock on electronic devices to make sure they are not on their screens all the time!
- A child needs 8 hours of sleep to function properly. A rested mind is better than a restless one. The latter can cause mood swings and irritability in children leading to severe adhd symptoms.
Parenting an ADHD child age by age
An ADHD child will have different manifestations of symptoms according to their age. Most typically, ADHD children are treated with a combination of therapies including behavior therapy and medications.
How to treat adhd in a 5-year old?
Preschool children (4-5 years of age) are prescribed behavioral therapy including parenting tips and medications.
Teenagers are a difficult lot to deal with. Their hormones are raging during this phase. Coupling that with ADHD symptoms can cause severe behavioral issues.
First and foremost, teenagers with ADHD need to be taught the right lessons. They should not be allowed freedom all at once. Talking to them about risks, and see how much they can handle and accordingly deeming them responsible can be a great way to manage their behavior.
Adhd symptoms in adults can be either controlled or hay wire depending on how they were raised and managed during their life. That is why it is important for children to have been exposed and given lessons about how to behave and the right way to conduct themselves.
What to do when your ADHD child is out of control?
Assuming that one of the symptoms of ADHD is impulsivity and not following orders, it is inevitable that any parent will get away from dealing with this.
ADHD children sometimes cannot help their behavior and getting mad or irritated on them won’t help matters. So, rather than that, following these guidelines might help you
- Encourage the child to develop an organization system, this way they can systematically learn and develop a new approach and routine.
- Talk to the child about communication with teachers providing feedback and their concerns.
- Consider enrolling the child in anger management class, or organization teaching time management skills so they can equip themselves with better habits and behavior.
- Keep an eye out for severe mood and behavior changes that can affect the child. And, if you notice these changes, try to intervene before the child begins acting out. This intervention can help the child catch some momentum resulting in better results.
How to help a child with attention deficit disorder?
Attention deficit disorder children have to undergo a lot of therapies and physicians in order to lead a better life.
That requires adequate financial support for ADHD children. It is considered a mental health condition so registering with organizations like the disability register identity card to help with concessions. All government benefits are included.
Carer allowance is paid to a carer who looks after an ADHD child for more than 24 hours.
How to deal with an ADHD child without meds?
Various behavioral therapies are available for children suffering with ADHD. Several options are available such as online therapies.
Psychotherapy with an authorized psychiatrist can help parents and their ADHD child. The best psychiatrist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap singh is one of the options people can opt for.
Behavioral therapies improve and monitor the behaviors and progress of the child. Other options like parenting a child with adhd book is also available included with guidelines and recommendations for an ADHD child.
ADHD is a mental condition that requires a lot from parents and their child. It is not either one’s fault with their children’s behavior.
But, how the child grows up should be the concern. And, there are a lot of Parenting Tips for ADHD Child available now to deal with that.
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