11 Sep What Sex Hormones in Females Affect Their Sexual Health?
Do you feel like you’re not having sexual feelings towards anyone? Do you not get turned on easily? Are you sexually frustrated?
If you’re feeling any of those feelings, don’t worry we’ve got you. Just like everything has a solution, your feelings can be valid and we are here to listen.
You can visit the Best Sexologist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. He can provide you with the solution you need.
Sex is a blend of your emotions, feelings, or different desires. It’s a complex web of communication and biological disturbances. It is greatly influenced by our hormones and surrounding situations.
Hormones In Females:
Hormones are defined as chemical messengers produced by pituitary and released in the bloodstream and regulates bodily functions.
Sex hormones play a vital role in controlling reproduction and sexual development. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are the three principal sex hormones. These hormones influence:
- Sexual development
- Reproduction
- Hair growth
- Sexual desire
Sex hormone fluctuation can lead to numerous health issues like:
- Hair loss
- Low sex drive
- Infertility
Estrogen, produced in ovaries, manage reproduction and sexual development. Progesterone regulates ovulation. A decrease in this hormone causes imbalances like irregular menstruation, or infertility.
Testosterone is present in low amounts and affects sexual desire, fertility, and menstruation.
Psychological and biological factors affect your sexual drive. Saying that, it’s important to note estrogen and progesterone regulates the female sexual cycle:
- Desire
- Arousal
- Orgasm
- Resolution
Imbalance in any of the above stages leads to sexual dysfunction. Clinically, an arousal disorder can be manifested by
Subjective: women do not get turned on by genital or nongenital stimulation (hugging, physical stimulation, kissing) with physical response.
Genital: women get aroused without genital stimulation (watching sensual video).
Combined: women don’t get aroused either by genital or non genital stimulation.
How to Control Hormones Sexually?
Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone control your sexual behavior. If there’s increased estrogen levels your sex drive will be high!
Before women ovulate, her estrogen levels are quite high and triggers increased sexual interest and sexual drive. This leads to an increased arousal during this period.
The females are horny during this period. So, what hormones cause horniness? The answer is, estrogen. At times, high levels of oxytocin and vasopressin affect sexual desire too.
When women reach orgasm, oxytocin is released relating to increased sexual pleasure.
Post ovulation, Sex Hormones In Females are on a decline. That’s one of the reasons you’re not in the mood to have sex. Although, vasopressin has been linked to aggression leading to low sexual drive in females.
To increase excitement in females instantly, emotional attachment and intimacy is the key.
Open communication about your pleasure centers and asking what they want is vital for sexual pleasure.
Clitoral stimulation can arouse women sexually. For some women, foreplay makes them yearn for their sexual release.
Common Causes Of Low Sex Drive
Along with hormonal imbalance, there are varied factors that affect low sexual interest. This includes stress. It’s the foremost leading cause for losing sexual arousal. With that,
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Low self esteem
- Interpersonal relationship problems
Are the reasons behind low sex drive. At times, lack of sexual experience and not enjoying sex with your partner can also lead to dislike towards sex altogether.
Stress can majorly turn down your sex drive. It suppresses your sex hormones. Add to that, the lost sexual interest, this all lowers sexual desire.
Menopause is another one of the most common causes for low sex drive. During menopause, women are already undergoing catastrophic hormonal imbalance.
After a certain age, your body decreases estrogen and progesterone production. This decrease results in physical signs such as acne, hot flashes, mood swing, and low sex drive.
Sex Hormones In Females are on high during pregnancy and postpartum period. They experience mood swings, irritability, and decreased sexual desire.
Sometimes, pain during sex or any sexual activity can also result in women losing interest.
Along with that, women with kids have a burden of handling them, they are already frustrated with their life and thus lose interest in things they use to enjoy before.
Other factors like some medications have side effects such as low libido. Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and alcohol binge drinking results in low sexual interest.
If you are taking oral contraceptives, your testosterone levels might decrease leading to vaginal dryness and low libido.
Having healthy communication with your partner about your needs and issues is vital. Your satisfaction with your partner in a relationship and during sexual activity matters a lot too.
For long, if you’ve been with the same partner, for some people it loses the spark. They no longer get the adrenaline rush or anticipate the sexual initiation.
If you’re not getting sexual pleasure due to inhibitions from your side or the partner’s, it can affect your sexual relationship.
Orgasmic disorder:
Women who could achieve orgasm before cannot now. It can be due to number of reasons:
- Insufficient foreplay
- Not enough attention to women’s sexual pleasure
- Lack of sexual knowledge
- Anxiety or can’t trust the partner
How Do You Diagnose Low Sex Hormones?
To diagnose your condition, your physician will ask you personal questions to take a detailed history. After the history taking, they might conduct some tests to confirm the diagnosis.
Do you feel like having sex? Have you been suffering from psychological stress? Do you get aroused during sex?
If there’s a decrease in –
- Sexual interest
- Sexual thoughts or fantasies
- Pleasure during any sexual activity
It might indicate low sexual drive. To know the underlying cause behind it, your physician may perform some blood tests to check for your hormone levels.
Female Hormone Levels by Age:
As the age increases female hormone levels also differ. Following are the normal levels of females by age
- Before puberty, your hormone level will be 0 – 4 IU/L. Once you hit puberty, your hormones increase as they target reproduction and sexual characters. This increase is 0.3 – 10 IU/L.
- Menstruating women have their hormone levels at 4.7 to 21.5 IU/L.
- After menopause levels are 25.8 to 134.8 IU/L.
If you are experiencing dyspareunia (pain during penetration), your doctor will perform a pelvic examination.
Transvaginal ultrasound (an ultrasound probe inserted inside your vagina) to check for any genitourinary dysfunction.
Treating Low Female Sex Hormones:
Treating low sex drive depends on the underlying cause. Generally, psychotherapy and medications are used.
If women have an open communication about what she desires and wants, it might help improve the relationship strain.
The female sex hormones play an essential role in regulating the sex drive.
How to Increase Sex Hormones in Females?
Low sex drive is caused by decreased estrogen. To correct the hormone levels, hormone replacement therapy should be advised. Estrogen therapy is prescribed.
To treat vaginal dryness, your healthcare provider may prescribe topical estrogen creams to lubricate the vagina and this increases sexual arousal in women.
Testosterone therapy increases sexual drive in women by increasing the hormone level and if they are suffering from any sexual disorder.
Postmenopausal women can also benefit with this therapy improving their sexual function due to low testosterone.
At times, your physician prescribes some pills to increase sex drive like flibanserin for premenopausal women to increase their hormone levels.
Bremelanotide, an injection preparation given under your skin before sexual activity.
How to Increase Female Normones Naturally?
Your sex hormones rely on how you take care of yourself.
- Maintain a healthy life with a healthy diet. Working out and stretching your body everyday can release pheromones that help reduce anxiety and in general relaxes your body.
- Eating healthy foods such as fruits, green leafy vegetables helps increase your sex hormones.
- Regular morning walks can put your mind at ease and increase sex drive.
If these measures don’t work, you can consult a Sexologist Doctor for Females, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. He’s an expert in dealing with these situations and offers you the best solutions.
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