Can Bipolar Disorder Cause Schizophrenia – Mental Health Issues

Can Bipolar Disorder Cause Schizophrenia

Can Bipolar Disorder Cause Schizophrenia – Mental Health Issues

Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are two interchangeably used terms that have grown to become a common cause of mental illness these days.

Although both illnesses have different causes, symptoms, and consequences still they are used together in most cases and very few know the actual difference between them.  

The difference between bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia is not very difficult to understand. You just need to understand what causes them and what are their symptoms.

The formal name of Bipolar disorder goes by the term manic depressive illness which usually causes two kinds of extreme moods. One can be extremely low causing depression and the other mood can be extremely high causing manic behaviour or feeling.

The severity of this illness differs from person to person and in the initial years it seems to be moderate. 

On the other hand, Schizophrenia is a condition in which people understand the real situation abnormally.

This results in delusions, hallucinations, and utmost disorganised thinking and actions that hinder the daily work of an individual. 


 Causes Of Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

Can Bipolar disorder cause Schizophrenia?

If you are curious too, you are at the right place. What causes bipolar disorder is still not known and it is generally believed that it starts at an early stage of life such as in teenage or adolescence.

The probable aspects could be genetics, past trauma due to tragic incidents, genetics, substance abuse, and others. Following are some of the well-explained causes behind it:

(i) Structure of brain: People under this condition may face illness in their brain itself with alterations in the working of neurotransmitters which performs the duty of sending signals and information to the neuron.

(ii) Genes: This disorder may be carried through the genes via chromosomes.

(iii) Stress: Tragic incidents like the demise of a beloved person can set off bipolar disorder at an initial level. Hence, managing stress plays an important role.

The exact causes of schizophrenia are not detected as well and the study says that a fusion of physical, genetic, psychological, and environmental factors determine this condition of a person. 

Below are some of the most common causes responsible for schizophrenia:

(i)  Brain formation: Similar to the case of Bipolar disorder, the structure of the brain and neurotransmitters are contrasting.

(ii) Substance Abuse: One key factor triggering schizophrenia is taking drugs at an early age and making mind alterations.

(iii) Problems before delivery: If the mother was not getting the right nutrition or care or had contact with a virus during the pregnancy, then some studies suggest that the chances of getting schizophrenia increase.

(iv)  Extremely active immune system: If the immune system sets in motion quite frequently while fighting off a disease, then some research claims that the possibility of getting schizophrenia increases.

 After learning the causes of Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia, let us now move forward to understand the connecting dots between the illness.

Is there any connection between the two? Let us read.

Are Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia Related?

Bipolar and Schizophrenia are related has been heard or asked several times. Are you confused too? Then here is the answer for you.

Can Bipolar disorder cause Schizophrenia? Bipolar disorder creates sharp changes in energy, mood, and other activities.

An individual suffering from Bipolar disorder will face extreme changes in moods causing either depression, mania, or excitement.

This condition does not happen continuously and there may be times when a person is having a stable and calm mood and at the next moment it can turn into sudden mood swings.

When Bipolar disorder occurs, a person faces difficulty even in performing daily tasks, and in some extreme cases, a person is likely to face illusion, hallucination, and delusion.

The condition of Schizophrenia is more severe than that of Bipolar disorder. People suffering from this illness face repeated episodes of hallucinations and delusions.

Hallucinations may range from seeing, listening to voices or other sounds, smelling, tasting, or feelings that do not exist in reality.

Whereas, delusion leads to incorrect and baseless beliefs and at times makes people careless to the extent that they do not bother to think about themselves.

Looking at the symptoms early and taking action on time can save a lot of life and families from falling apart.

We need to understand them and diagnose them at the earliest. So here are some of the symptoms that the study has found out.


 Symptoms of Bipolar disorder

People dealing with the condition of Bipolar disorder are likely to face severe mood change that takes place quickly or after some time. They are likely to face the following three types of experiences:

(i)  Manic: These people are likely to feel either exceptionally happy, upset, nervous, or irritated. They are extremely filled with energy and their mood cannot be predicted. A person is also easily likely to get provoked or set in motion.

They also are likely to shift from one activity to another quickly. Their way of talking changes with an increase in their speed of talking.

One may also start eating and sleeping for very few hours a day. They start to take risks and get involved in dangerous situations.

(ii) Hypomanic: People under this chain of episodes are less likely to face extreme manic signs.

(iii) Depressive: This is the most serious condition of bipolar disorder as people tend to feel miserable, dejected, or anxious which in turn leads to depression.

Furthre this condition makes people hollow inside and worried all the time, nothing makes them happy and they become slow in their actions and are usually tired all the time. They start to eat either too much or too less and sleep a lot or not at all.

People are identified with Bipolar I disorder following at least one episode of mania and then they are diagnosed with type II bipolar disorder after facing a couple of episodes of hypomania and depression.

Cyclothymia is a state in which an individual faces repeated episodes of hypomania and depression.

Other observable changes that occur in a person facing bipolar disorder are:

(a)   Restlessness

(b)   Overexcited

(c)   Insomnia

(d)   Difficulty in staying focused

(e)   Ill-tempered and impatient

(f)    Overconfidence and manic changes

(g)   Self-harming thoughts


Symptoms of Schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia are broadly divided into two categories, namely “positive symptoms” and “negative symptoms.” It is understood based on whether a symptom adds on or eliminates a behavior.

Positive symptoms comprise delusions and hallucinations whereas negative symptoms incorporate social isolation and maintaining distance from friends, families, or relationships.  

Following are some of the most commonly seen symptoms of schizophrenia:

(a)   Social Withdrawal

(b)   Dullness

(c)   Ill-tempered feeling

(d)   Making illogical decisions

(e)   Strange behavior

(f)    Poor sleep routine

(g)   No sleep or too much sleep

(h)   Detachment

(i)    Aggressive reactions

(j)    Self-harm

(k)   Over Sensitive to sound, taste, and touch

(l)    Hallucinations that seem frightful, or voices in the head

(m) Delusions of false scenarios

There is a lot of debate going on about whether Bipolar can turn into Schizophrenia or if there is any cause-effect relationship between the two.

So, even if you are looking for the answers, continue to read further. 

Can Bipolar turn into Schizophrenia?

There exists an established difference between Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia. Despite overlooking the differences, the two symptoms are likely to converge. But can Bipolar turn into Schizophrenia? It may result into:

(a)   Mentally disturbing problems: One diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia are likely to experience crazy delusion symptoms. Though, an individual with schizophrenia is likely to hear false sounds, whereas, one with bipolar is more prone to face hallucinating episodes.

(b)  Depression: An individual fails to pursue their hobbies, faces trouble sleeping, or faces difficulty in maintaining a job.  

(c)   Baseless thoughts: The patients face unorganized thinking along with frequent mood changes and difficulty in maintaining focus and taking decisions.

Every year due to late diagnosis and treatment, many patients fall into the deep trap of depression and find it very hard to recover.

Hence, the following are some of the helpful measures and Treatments for Bipolar Disorder suggested by medical practitioners. 

Treatment of Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia

A blood test cannot detect whether a person has bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. Rather, a physical and cognitive test to examine the illness. During the test, questions about personal and family past is ask by the examinee.

Questions on the prevailing symptoms are also determine by the medical practitioner. In the process of the examination, a couple of blood tests, CT scans or MRIs are also done.

Sometimes, drug or alcohol tests are done. Multiple tests will be conducted before the final verdict is given.

Patients may also be asked to keep a daily record of mood patterns and sleep schedule which will help to figure out the bigger picture.

Medicine for Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia 

The medicines used for the treatment of Bipolar disorder are prescribed by physicians depending on the condition of the patients. Antipsychotics used to treat Bipolar disorder are:

  • Aripiprazole (Abilify)
  • Asenapine (Saphris)
  • Cariprazine (Vraylar)
  • Clozapine (Clozaril)
  • Lumateperone (Caplyta)
  • Lurasidone (Latuda)

Following are some of the medicines to treat Schizophrenia are: 

  • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
  • Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
  • Haloperidol (Haldol)
  • Perphenazine (Trilafon)
  • Thioridazine (Mellaril)

Treating Bipolar Disorder

(a)    Understanding the mood changes and how to manage them effectively

(b)  Creating awareness among the family members so that they can be helpful and encouraging

(c)   Finding ways to address the problems in a relationship

(d)  Becoming aware of the provoking measures that deteriorate the condition

A professional medical practitioner may prescribe medicines that will help to manage frequent mood changes like anti-anxiety medicines or sleeping pills to the ones facing trouble with sleeping.

Treating schizophrenia

Treatment for Schizophrenia comprises antipsychotics and psychotherapy. It is possible to have schizophrenic symptoms at the beginning and then never experience another.

These patients come under the program of Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode. It includes:

  • Therapy
  • Medicines
  • Support from family
  • Support from work and education


Patients suffering from bipolar disorder or schizophrenia have feeling of self-harm or suicide. It is very important to take all the medicines on time and continue taking them even after recovery.



Can Bipolar Disorder Cause Schizophrenia are mostly confuse to be the same and hence they overlap. Although, the main cause behind bipolar disorder is frequent mood changes whereas schizophrenia causes delusions and hallucinations.

Both disorders are serious and have troublesome consequences. Yet bipolar disorder is more common than schizophrenia.

Diagnosis at an early stage is great hence, you should not hide anything to the medical professional and every concern should be properly address. Make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid the triggering factors. 

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