Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh: Best for ADHD Treatment in Patna, Bihar

ADHD Treatment in patna

Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh: Best for ADHD Treatment in Patna, Bihar

Looking for best ADHD treatment in Patna, Bihar?? Contact Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh… Being best neuropsychiatrist in Patna, he is the best for ADHD treatment…!!

ADHD, known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental health defect which causes abnormal behavior with impulsive symptoms of hyperactivities. People suffering from it can also have problem in concentrating on the single tasks or may daydream for longer period of time.

Both adults as well as children might face this issue. So, this blog will help in providing general brief on the disorder. Moreover, it will also provide you with introduction to some ADHD treatment.

Causes of ADHD

Being a very common disorder nowadays, there are still no proofs on how ADHD is caused. But, as per many diagnostic and research analysis, it is said that ADHD is caused due to decrease of Dopamine in brain. It is a chemical released in brain which helps in function of the brains by sending and receiving signals for responses.

Moreover, people will less grey matter volume tends to face with such disorder and here, the ADHD treatment is very important.

Note: for best ADHD treatment, one can visit, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh, a trustable and excellent neuropsychiatrist in the city of Patna.

Therefore, without further ado, let’s learn a few things for ADHD treatment with and without medications, in adults and in children.

Diagnosis for ADHD Treatment

ADHD is a disorder which cannot be diagnosed through some ADHD test or MRI scans. Many clinicians and physicians detect the ADHD disorder through series of assessments and talking.

Many reports of the person’s behavior can be made by talking to person’s parents, family members, friends or teachers (in case of children). Generally, reports and behavior record of last 6 months are recorded and provided.

This helps in identifying the symptoms and its stage at the moment. Hence, after all these analyzing, the ADHD treatment in proceeded with.

ADHD Treatment Adults

ADHD treatment for adults is common for many people who have suffered the same in the childhood. Many people face the ADHD symptoms different. They tend to decrease or become less frequent.

If these symptoms are untreated in the journey, it can cause negative impact in the future. To name some of these impacts, they are forgetfulness, absent mindedness, difficulty in managing time, etc.

However, medications can be one of the treatments for ADHD but there are some precautions that need to be followed with it.

 ADHD Treatment Without Medication

  • Proper sleep cycle and keeping phones and electronic device aside 2 hours before bed
  • Avoid consumption of caffeine on regular basis
  • Proper diet with rich in protein, vitamins
  • A active activity like dance, running, cardio exercises
  • Activeness can also lead up with some satisfying activities that a person likes. For eg- sketching, watching movies, travelling

ADHD Treatment for Child

Mostly, children between 5-17 years of age experience ADHD disorder. The symptoms of the same starts from home or school environment. Therefore, one must definitely look for such matters.

According to recent research, boys tend to have ADHD more likely than girls. In case of girls, the symptoms seen are hypertalktaive nature with day dreaming quality.

However, one can opt for these methods for ADHD treatment for child.

  • Proper and perfect 8 hours sleep cycle
  • Healthy and cheerful environment in home or classroom
  • Proper and healthy diet
  • Consultation for a child therapy

Note: you can look for many other treatment options in search engines or you can refer to ADHD treatment plan pdf.

Children can be consulted through different specialist like-

  • Psychologists
  • Educational specialists
  • Cognitive behavioral therapist
  • Child and adolescent psychiatrists

A reliable recommendation for good child psychiatrists is Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. He is the best neuropsychiatrist in Patna which provides good guidance and ADHD treatment in Patna, Bihar. He has years of experience in this field of neuropsychology for both adults and children.

ADHD Symptoms and Treatment

You must be thinking like what is the most effective treatment for ADHD, for both children and adults? Therefore, for that, here is the blog which will help you in treating your ADHD disorder.

Some of the non-medication steps have already been discussed which helps for the both adult and children. However, there are some other therapies, among which the behavioral therapy is said to be the best ones for treating ADHD disorder.

Behavioral Therapy for ADHD

While medications help in neurological level for the treatment, behavioral therapy helps in resolving specific problems relating to certain habits that can lead to irregular brain activities. It prefers is building up self esteem and self confidence in a child.

Moreover, along with children, parents should also undergo this behavioral therapy. This will help them understand what their child needs. Along with that, parents are taught to communicate on daily basis with their child, to help them in different work and roles of child’s day to day activities, etc. this will create a strong bond and connection between the parents and the child.

Note: click here to know about some other ADHD treatments- OCD treatment in Patna

Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh- Best Adviser for ADHD Treatment in Patna

One of the best doctor of neuropsychiatrist in Patna is Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. He workd as a Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatrists in the PMCH, Patna BIHAR.

Along with being a neuropsychiatrist, he also provides his guidance in daycare deaddiction. Talking about his knowledge, he has been an excellent student during his times of career making. He completed his MBBS from one of the top medical government college in India. After that, he has also pursued MD in psychiatry with a Diploma in the field of Neurology from one of the many colleges of UK.

After completing his studies, he has worked as one of the neuropsychiatrist doctors in AIIMS, Patna. Presently, working as a neuropsychiatrist, he provides care and services to his patients with utmost importance. He provides different viable options for ADHD treatments through various examinations and assessments.

Therefore, if you are willing to treat your ADHD, please do visit Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh, the best for ADHD Treatment in Patna.

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