Author: Neuro psychatry Patna

Emotional Imbalance Disorder is a dysregulation of emotional response that is traditionally unacceptable and causes a set of eccentric emotions. It is characterized by severe fluctuations of mood swings going from extremely happy to angry in a matter of a few minutes. Are you uncharacteristically...

In simple words, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by the inability to stay still. A person is hyperactive in terms of controlling their impulses and emotions. There’s a difficulty in managing tasks and paying attention that can affect their academic performances. Can your child...

Every once a while, people need a lazy day. Sometimes, life can get exhausting and frustrating. So, taking a break and relaxing might help some people. While others can simply procrastinate for hours and days at end without any apparent reason other than they simply...

Tobacco smoking is a widely abused substance in this world. Smoking gives people a sense of relaxation and that’s the reason so many people crave it. Smoking gives people a high and an escape from crappy situations and life. Do you think you’re smoking more...

Sexual performance means sexual activities that enhance sexual satisfaction and increase both the partner’s pleasure. Do you feel you’re not satisfied enough? Are you sexually frustrated? Do you think your partner is not reaching the orgasm stage? If yes, visit the best sexologist doctor in...

Delusional disorder is when someone is having disorganized thoughts and incoherent speaking with thoughts that are not real. How to help someone with delusional disorder? Everything they talk about is in their head, imagined because of chemical disruption in the brain. It has various subtypes including persecutory,...

Are you feeling upset about life lately? Do you feel your life is not in your control? Do you feel you’re getting addicted to a substance? Have you felt like you want to give up substance addiction but are not able to? If these are...

Can Neurological Problems Cause Vision Problems ? The eyes are how we see the world. If there’s an issue with our vision, it can drive us mad. It’s important to notice these changes and seek immediate help if needed. Are you having trouble seeing things?...

Types of Sexual Health Problems have become quite common in men and women nowadays. There can be any kind of underlying cause for that. Did you notice any blisters or follicles on your genitalia? Have you noticed some kind of burning sensation while peeing? Are...

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