03 Nov Can Neurological Problems Cause Vision Problems – Know Here
Can Neurological Problems Cause Vision Problems ? The eyes are how we see the world. If there’s an issue with our vision, it can drive us mad. It’s important to notice these changes and seek immediate help if needed.
Are you having trouble seeing things? Are you experiencing any kind of blurry vision? Can you not see things near to you?
If you are having issues with your vision, don’t delay getting help. Get help from the best neuropsychiatrist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh.
After a stroke or traumatic brain injury affecting brain eye connection problems, vision loss is experienced by individuals.
At times, the vision loss is subtle and individuals don’t even realize the change until it’s too late. During this time, the physicians tend to focus on more pressing issues and apparent symptoms to notice the vision change.
Along with that, patient negligence about not understanding and telling their symptoms also leads to serious complications.
What Neurological Disorders Cause Vision Problems?
There are a wide range of diseases that affect the eyes. The diseases can depend on either secondary factors such as due to injury to the eyes, brain injury, or stroke.
Or it can also be due to primary factors associated with degenerative eye conditions. The vision loss after a brain injury or stroke is known as neurological vision loss.
There can be decreased or full vision loss in the left or right eye or both the eyes.
Neurological vision loss consists of central vision loss, peripheral vision loss, vision loss on one side of both the eyes, or vision loss in the entire eye.
What Neurological Disorders Cause Blurred Vision?
Blurred vision is caused by a number of neurological disorders. Along with blurred vision, another symptom associated with it is double vision.
So, what neurological disorders cause blurred or double vision?
The damage to eyes, especially the optic nerves can lead to double vision, and pain mostly in one eye. There is vision loss in the center of the eye called scotoma and this damage to the nerves is called optic neuropathy.
One of the types of optic neuropathy is optic neuritis, and this can be developed due to any underlying secondary medical condition such as multiple sclerosis, infections affecting the immune system like chicken pox, influenza, or lupus.
This optic neuropathy causes the same symptoms like vision disruption and pain. The physicians will address this as the cause of overactive immune system, and prescribe corticosteroids.
The researchers have shown there is a link between optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis; i.e. people with optic neuritis are at increased risk for developing multiple sclerosis.
The doctors treating neuritis always order imaging studies for the prophylaxis progress of multiple sclerosis.
Nerve disorders affecting the nerves supplying the muscles of eyes that regulate the dilation and contraction of the eyeballs result in double vision, or nystagmus.
It even disrupts the pupil size called anisocoria. This indicates there’s a serious problem underlying it like multiple sclerosis, tumor, head trauma, or aneurysm.
What Causes Sudden Loss of Peripheral Vision?
Peripheral vision loss is defined as a disorder wherein one can only watch what is right in front of them. It is also known as tunnel vision because it’s pitch dark at the sides with adequate vision only in the center.
The individuals might get dizzy and have difficulty standing. It can either be in one eye or affect both the eyes. Typically, it is a temporary symptom and gradually gets better with appropriate treatment.
The neurological causes of peripheral vision are
- Migraine headaches
- Stroke
- Carotid artery stenosis
- Hypertension
- Concussion
- Brain tumors
The condition or traumatic injury affecting the blood vessels in the brain can be a major reason for peripheral vision loss.
There are other disorders that can affect and damage the eyes like
- Glaucoma
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- Retinal detachment
- Diabetes related retinopathy
- Optic neuritis
- Retinal vascular occlusion
People with peripheral vision can get symptoms affecting their eyes or sometimes even the whole body because of the underlying medical condition. For example,
- Night vision loss
- Pupil size change
- Headaches
- Light sensitivity called photosensitivity
- Swelling or soreness in eyes
- Mobility issues due to vision loss
- Nausea and vomiting
Peripheral vision loss can be diagnosed by laboratory tests performed by the physician. They will confirm the disorder depending on the disorder, and the tests like
- Gadolinium enhanced MRI, this can visualize optic nerve swelling for the diagnosis of their eye pain.
- Ultrasonography is advised when the retina is not visible during eye examination.
- Blood tests for confirming levels of C-reactive protein, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), or to know if there’s any other infectious process going on.
Depending on the diagnosis and medical condition, the doctor will prescribe medications. If it is due to a neurological disorder, treating it might reverse the peripheral vision.
Or if it is due to damage to the eye, or conditions affecting the eye directly, the treatments will be targeted according to that.
What are eye-floaters?
Eye floaters are small spots affecting the line of your vision. They appear when one tries to focus on something bright like blue sky, or white paper.
Sometimes, they tend to annoy some people. They are given this name due to their nature of floating around the eye. They can have different shapes or patterns like
- Curly or coiled lines
- Filiform thready strands, that are lumpy in pattern
- Gray or black dots
- Rings
These floaters are made up of protein flecks called collagen. They are a gel-like substance in the back of the eye called the vitreous pretty normal during day-day life but if they are disrupting vision, one should get it checked.
As one grows, the protein fibers making up vitreous shrinks and clump together causing a shadow behind the retina.
These floaters causing visual problems are rare but there are some neurological disorders that cause eye floaters like
- Tumors
- Brain injury
- Stroke
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Detached retina
- Vitreous bleeding
- Migraine headaches
If you’re experiencing the symptoms listed below, you should consult a doctor about the eye floaters
Increase in the number of floaters
- Loss of vision
- Light flashes
- Floaters after eye surgery or trauma
These symptoms might be a result of severe problems and getting it checked helps rule out any complications.
Rare Neurological Eye Disorders
There are quite a few rare neurological eye disorders that cause vision problems and are not as common as your typical ophthalmology problems. For example,
Charles bonnet syndrome
People experiencing severe vision loss can get hallucinations. They see people, animals, or buildings that aren’t really there. Individuals have enough sense that the images aren’t real and that the hallucinations come and go temporarily.
Retinitis pigmentosa
Individuals are born with this condition and gradually the vision decreases. At first, there’s loss of night vision that is trouble seeing at night, and loss of peripheral vision.
The rods and cones die inside the eyes causing loss of color vision and central vision. The loss of central vision means unable to see what is right in front of the eyes.
There’s no cure for it as of yet, but researchers are trying to find one.
Usher syndrome
Usher syndrome is a broad concept consisting of retinitis pigmentosa that affects vision, hearing, and balance. To treat this, genetic therapies have shown satisfying results.
Macular degeneration
This one can go undetected until adulthood until the people realize something is seriously wrong with their eyes.
They develop blurry or distorted vision with vision loss developing to the level of blindness. In macula, the light sensing cells die off giving rise to central vision.
This is a condition developing in children under 5 years of age. The retinal cells undergo changes and there are cancer cells growth spikes affecting one or both the eyes.
This cancer can affect other parts of the body like bone, muscles, and skin. It is an inherited genetic condition so it may affect other members of the family too.
If it is detected in the earlier stages, vision loss can be prevented by treatments like laser therapy, cryotherapy.
Role of vitamin A in vision loss
The loss of vision can be caused due to deficiency of vitamin A as it plays a role in production of pigments in the eyes.
For the full light spectrum, the eye needs to produce some pigments which are produced by vitamin A, this then leads to nighttime blindness.
Vitamin A is needed to keep the moisture in the eyes for the proper lubrication. It can be found in foods like
- Leafy green vegetables
- Oranges
- Eggs
- Sweet potatoes
Vitamin A deficiency can cause problems to the eyes resulting in inability to adjust the eyes in accordance to the dark. As it worsens, the lubricating conjunctiva dries out leading to development of corneal ulcers.
In developed countries, vitamin A deficiency is found in
- Intestinal inflammation
- Liver and pancreas
- Bariatric surgery
- Diet restriction
Treating the vitamin A deficiency by taking supplements, and can reverse the night blindness. Although, corneal scarring cannot be reversed and is permanent damage to the skin.
The eye tests for neurological disorders are
- Optical coherence tomography – this uses light waves to take images of the retina.
- Electroretinography – this measures electrical activity of the retina.
- Brain CT
- Mri
- Visual acuity measurement – this test measures how well you can see at various distances.
The neurological eye disorder treatment depends on preventing neurological conditions from progressing to irreversible symptoms.
Along with that, it also depends on the medical condition, and medications might be prescribed according to that. For example, corticosteroids for optic neuritis
Surgery should be undertaken for right alignment of the eyes like muscle surgery. Vision therapy is exercise for improved visual function.
The neurological eye disorders can cause serious complications and eventually lose your vision. Hence, if you notice such changes consult the top neuropsychologist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh.
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