Mindful Living: Non-Pharmaceutical Strategies for ADHD

non medicated treatment for adhd

Mindful Living: Non-Pharmaceutical Strategies for ADHD

Non Medicated Treatment for ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is defined as when a person can’t sit still. It affects focus, people are disorganized and hyperactive.

It is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders with difficulty in paying attention and experiencing impulsivity. Do you think your child has difficulty paying attention in school?

Does your child leave things in between? Do you feel your child has an erratic mood? Does your child disobey you frequently? If yes, then try and consult the best psychiatrist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. 

People with ADHD have different neurons, brains, nerve networks, and neurotransmitters that are different from people without the condition.

It affects executive dysfunction, disrupting a person’s ability to manage emotions and thoughts. People with ADHD have difficulty with

  • Managing attention
  • Control hyperactivity
  • Regulating their mood and behavior
  • Sitting still
  • Follow orders

Most often, people are diagnosed with it in their childhood and the condition can last until adulthood. If it’s not treated, people can develop complications associated with their lifestyle, relationships, and behavior. 

Children presenting with inattentive type of ADHD present with complaints of difficulty focusing, organizing, and staying on track.

They can also suffer from hyperactive impulse with them fidgeting, excess energy and extremely talkative. 

Children with combined presentation have inattentiveness and hyperactivity in equal proportions with this type affecting around 70% of the people.

According to the DSM-V, a child with adhd will typically have issues with

  • Difficulty paying attention to details and committing careless mistakes
  • Having trouble focusing on activities they are assigned.
  • Children are always daydreaming, or distracted to never pay attention. 
  • If a task requires constant mental attention, they dislike it or get agitated when pressured to finish it.
  • They lose things frequently
  • Have severe mood changes 
  • Get easily distracted by any kind of external stimuli

Researchers have shown that there are some changes in the structure of the frontal lobe that contribute to these changes. Frontal lobe regulates planning, attention, and decision taking behavior. 


What is the most effective treatment for adhd?

The most Non Medicated Treatment for ADHD depends on the type and manifestation of symptoms of adhd.

Physicians will take history and judging on the clinical symptoms they will start the pharmacological treatment if needed. The FDA has approved several drugs for the treatment of adhd under 6 years. Like, 

  • Stimulants have been the most widely used medications reducing adhd symptoms. The various stimulants like amphetamines, and dexmethaphines.
  • Non-stimulants are not as good as stimulants in their effectiveness, but they are prescribed if the stimulants did not work. Their effects can last up to 24 hours. The most commonly used non-stimulant medication is atomoxetine, a norepinephrine modulator. Along with this, the other two types of medications are clonidine, and guanfacine, both of which are alpha agonists. 
  • Antidepressants have not yet been approved by the FDA for treating adhd. But, some physicians prescribe them alone or in combination with other medications to know what kind of drug and dosage will benefit the most for the child. 


How I cured my adhd?

The non prescription adhd treatment in combination with medication can be an effective method to treat adhd.

However, one should remember there is a possibility the adhd will not completely cure and there be residual symptoms of impulsiveness and inattention. 

The non-medication treatment for adhd child can be behavioral therapy. The cognitive behavioral therapy can help tame the adhd symptoms and make them feel better about themselves. This kind of therapy focuses on the child’s behavior and changing their thoughts. 

The non pharmacological treatment for adhd in youth can be either behavior therapy alone or in combination with medications. Teens go through a hormonal change during this phase affecting their emotions and thoughts so behavioral therapy should be top priority for these people. A lot of people struggle with anxiety and stress for whom music therapy can be relaxing and calm them down. 

The non medication treatment for adhd adults can be psychotherapy that deals with their behavior and thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be also useful to promote relaxation and peacefulness.

To help with the communication skills, and overcome fears, therapy works best. Combining it with medications can also work in the favor of the individual’s personal needs.


How to treat adhd child at home?

There are various ways one can try as Non Medicated Treatment for ADHD helping a child with adhd to feel better about their symptoms. The natural remedies can take time but have better effects on the body and mind. For example, 

  • Supplements and vitamins for mental and physical well-being can be an efficient solution. Vitamin B6, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium have shown promising results.
  • Eeg biofeedback is a monotherapy that measures brain waves. A child will be asked to play a video game with focus and attention only on the screen. Now, if the child gets distracted, the screen will go black, making the child realize the importance of attention span.
  • Calming techniques are available for adhd at home like going for yoga, mindful meditation, or breathing exercises. These techniques help the child learn to not get distracted, and help them focus on the task. 
  • Spending time outside has shown to improve the concentration levels of a child with ADHD. It can help the child’s mind relax and appreciate the beauty of nature and help them focus more and sit still more than anticipated. 
  • Sleep disturbances have often been linked to adhd and the association is complicated; it is known that it exacerbates the symptoms. Maintaining a healthy hygiene and sleep pattern is a vital part of treating adhd symptoms. 

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a serious neurological condition that warrants one to seek immediate help. There are options to deal with adhd without medications if someone needs it.

To know everything about the condition and what treatment or therapy to seek, it’s better to book an appointment with the top neuropsychiatrist in Patna, Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh. 

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