
Autism Treatment In Patna

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complicated condition that affects how people interact, communicate, and handle repetitive behaviors.

The term “spectrum” shows that ASD can look different for everyone and can vary in severity. Some people with ASD may be really good at certain things but struggle with others.

Understanding how diverse Autism spectrum disorder can be is important for helping and supporting people with it.

By recognizing the different aspects of ASD, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that accepts and understands people with the disorder.


What is Autism?

Autism is a complex condition that affects each person differently.

It can cause problems with social interaction, repetitive behaviors, and narrow interests. People with autism might find it hard to understand social cues, make friends, or do the same things over and over again.

They might also get really focused on specific topics or activities. There are different types of autism, like Asperger’s syndrome, PDD-NOS, and autistic disorder.

Each type has similar traits but also some differences.

For instance, Asperger’s syndrome usually involves milder social and communication issues, while autistic disorder tends to have more severe challenges in these areas.

Understanding the differences in autism is important for helping people get the right support they need.

Fortunately, Autism Treatment In Patna, bihar is becoming more accessible and effective.

Families seeking support for children with autism spectrum disorder can find a range of specialized services.

From early interventions to behavioral therapies, the focus is on helping each child reach their full potential.

This guide will explore the best autism treatment in Patna, ensuring that every child receives the care they deserve.


Common characteristics and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by a variety of symptoms that are distinctive to each individual.

Below are three essential attributes of Autism spectrum disorder explained in simple terms.


Social Communication Difficulties

  • Social Interaction Problems: People suffering from Autism spectrum disorder usually find it difficult to have friendly interactions with other people. They may fail to comprehend nonverbal cues like gestures, changes in tone of voice, and facial expressions. Therefore; they end up misunderstanding people and fail to establish or retain any friendship
  • Conversation Problems: Those living with autism spectrum disorder often encounter an obstacle when attempting to start or sustain a conversation dialogue. They may find it hard to operate in a conversation structure such as taking turns, contributing relevant responses among others, making them not easily understand and interpret sarcasm, humor and other idiomatic languages properly.
  • Limited Social Reactions: Individuals who have autism do not respond to social signals or gestures within expected limits set by society at large; hence they become isolated and are unable to maintain intimate relations.


Repetitive Behaviors

  • Repetitive Actions: The actions involving repeatable activities such as spinning, hand flapping, rocking which are common among people with autism spectrum disorders. These actions help them cope with anxiety or are sources of comfort but at times they are disruptive.
  • Need for Routines: Most individuals suffering from Autism spectrum disorder prefer routines and consistency in their lives. Routines can cause changes that can lead to much stress, fear and anxiety as a result of disturbances made. Sticking to a certain way of life manifests itself in daily habits; for instance eating type of food always or performing certain rituals.


Sensory Sensitivities

  • Heightened Sensory Sensitivity: People with Autism spectrum disorder are usually extremely sensitive to all sorts of touch, taste, smell; however smelling perfumes is rarely done by these people. Too much noise is never heard nor seen before they are safe in their own environment.
  • Diminished Sensory Response: Some persons having Autism spectrum disorder don’t respond strongly on sensory inputs instead they slow down while processing them (e.g. finding it hard to notice temperature changes or even feeling relieved when one is not hurt).


Understanding these common traits and symptoms of Autism spectrum disorder is crucial for providing effective support and creating a supportive environment.

Since each person with Autism spectrum disorder is unique, it’s important to tailor approaches to meet their specific needs and challenges.


Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder consists of a variety of distinct abnormalities that were once classified separately before being combined into one category in the DSM-5.

Here is a brief outline of the primary forms of Autism spectrum disorder:



  • Social and Communication Impairment: One of the hallmarks of autism is having difficulty interacting socially or comprehending social cues. With autism, an individual may experience difficulties in both oral as well as nonverbal forms of communication which complicates personal relationships.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: Repetitive behaviors are one distinguishing quality characteristic to autism. This covers repeated physical behaviors, strict adherence to set routines or an obsession with particular passions.
  • Narrower Interests: Often people diagnosed with autism possess a few very specific interests almost exclusively. Sometimes this intense concentration results into limited engagement elsewhere.


Asperger’s Syndrome

  • Social Interaction Challenges: Asperger’s Syndrome presents some similar dilemmas found in autism regarding social interactions problems. Individuals may find it hard to grasp the existing social norms in order to establish connections.
  • Language Acquisition: Unlike classic cases on this condition, individuals who have Asperger’s Syndrome seem not delayed when it comes to their ability to use words. However, there could be limitations.


PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)

  • Diagnosis Criteria: Individuals who exhibit some features of either autism or Asperger syndrome but do not meet all the criteria for either of these two were diagnosed with PDD-NOS. It was a category that included cases with unusual or mixed symptoms.
  • Current Classification: On the autism spectrum, the DSM-5 officially classifies PDD-NOS as an umbrella term. This aids in better recognizing the variety of symptoms present within the spectrum.


Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

  • Skill Regression: Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is a rare disorder where a child develops normally for the initial years and then loses previously acquired skills. Normally, this regression occurs after at least two years’ worth of standard development.
  • Severe Impairments: After losing these skills, individuals diagnosed with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder frequently struggle profoundly with socialization and communication capabilities. They could also display behaviors that are repetitive in nature and other difficulties related to those similar to those found within autism.


Causes and Risk Factors of Autism

Autism happens because of different things coming together.

Understanding these things is important for learning more about autism and finding better ways to help people with it.


Genetic Factors:

Genes are a big part of autism. Some specific gene changes can make someone more likely to have autism.

These gene changes can be passed down from parents or happen by chance when a baby is born.

Also, people with certain genetic conditions, like fragile X syndrome or Rett syndrome, are more likely to have autism.


Environmental Factors:

Besides genes, things in the environment can also affect the chance of having autism.

When a mom is pregnant, some things she’s exposed to, like infections, toxins, or medicines, can increase the risk of autism in her baby. Older parents and pregnancy complications can also play a part.

But we still need more research to understand exactly how these environmental factors affect autism.


Brain Development:

Autism is also related to how the brain grows and works. People with autism often have differences in their brains compared to others.

These differences can affect how the brain handles information and reacts to things, leading to the behaviors we see in autism.

Things that happen during pregnancy and early childhood can influence how the brain develops and might contribute to autism.


Understanding how genes, environment, and brain development interact is important for figuring out why autism happens.

By knowing these factors, we can create better ways to support people with autism and their families.

And by talking about these things, we can help people understand and accept autism more.


Autism Diagnosis 

Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder is a complex process that starts by watching how a child behaves and grows, often from when they’re very young.

Understanding the diverse range of autism symptoms is important for recognizing the condition in individuals.

Autism doctor in Patna, bihar carefully look for certain signs that could mean the child has autism.

In babies, early signs of autism might include being slower to reach important milestones, like babbling, pointing, or looking at people in the eyes.

Babies who later get diagnosed with autism might not smile as much, seem less interested in their caregivers, and prefer playing alone.

As kids get older, more signs may show up. They might have trouble talking, keeping eye contact, or doing the same movements over and over, like flapping their hands or rocking.

Kids with autism might also find it hard to understand social cues, make friends, or use their imagination to play.

In older kids and adults, common signs of autism spectrum disorder might include not understanding others’ feelings, having a tough time with body language, and sticking to routines or rituals.

They might also have very specific interests and do the same activities again and again

Remember, autism can look different for everyone. Some people may have mild symptoms that don’t bother them much, while others may need more help and support.

Diagnosing autism means getting checked out by doctors who specialize in it, like developmental pediatricians, psychologists, and speech-language pathologists.

They’ll do tests, talk to caregivers, and watch how the person behaves in different situations.

Getting diagnosed early and getting help is important for people with autism.

With the right support and therapy, many people with autism can learn to do well in social situations, talk, and live happy lives.


Autism Treatment and Therapy

Autism needs different treatments and therapies because everyone is different. These help improve social skills, communication, and behaviors in people with autism.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), speech therapy, and occupational therapy are among the best therapies for autism spectrum disorder.


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):

One helpful therapy for Autism spectrum disorder is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy.

It  breaks tasks into small steps and uses rewards to teach new skills.

ABA focuses on things like talking, making friends, and doing everyday tasks. It’s personalized to each person’s needs and goals.


Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy:

Occupational therapy and speech therapy are important too. Speech therapy helps with talking, understanding language, and interacting with others.

Occupational therapy helps with daily activities like getting dressed, writing, and handling things.

Both are tailored to each person’s challenges and strengths.


Medications and Alternative Therapies:

Sometimes doctors prescribe medications for certain autism symptoms, like being too active, anxious, or sad.

But these don’t cure autism. Some people also try alternative therapies, like special diets, sensory activities, or mindfulness, to help manage symptoms.


The main goal of autism spectrum disorder treatment is to make life better and help people do more on their own.

With the right help, people with autism can do well and enjoy life like everyone else.


Support for Individuals with Autism

Supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families involves using different resources and strategies.

Accessing specialized care from the best autism doctor in Patna ensures individuals receive comprehensive support tailored to their needs Educational programs like specialized classrooms and individualized education plans (IEPs) help with learning and social skills.

Support groups give advice and emotional support to parents, caregivers, and individuals with autism.

Assistive technologies like communication devices and apps help people with autism communicate better and do more activities.

Therapies such as behavioral therapy and speech therapy improve specific skills like communication and social interaction.

Community programs like social skills groups provide chances to make friends and learn new things outside of therapy.

Family-centered care means families are involved in planning and making decisions about support.

By using these resources and strategies together, people with autism can get the help they need to do well and feel supported, along with their families.


Myths and Facts about Autism

Despite increased awareness, there are still many misunderstandings about autism. One common myth is that all people with autism are savants or have exceptional abilities.

While some do, autism affects everyone differently. Some may be talented in certain areas, but many face challenges in their daily lives.

Another myth is that autism only affects children and they “grow out of it” as they get older. In reality, autism is lifelong. While some people learn to cope better with their symptoms, autism continues to affect them throughout their lives.

Some people believe autism is caused by bad parenting or environmental factors, but this overlooks the genetic and neurological factors involved.

While environment plays a role, genetics and other factors are more significant.

Another misconception is that people with autism lack empathy or emotional connection.

In reality, they can experience a full range of emotions and form deep relationships, but they may express themselves differently.

Lastly, it’s important to know that autism is not curable. However, early intervention and support can greatly improve quality of life.

By spreading accurate information, we can create a more understanding and supportive society for individuals on the autism spectrum.


Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment In Patna

Getting the right treatment is super important for improving mental health.

Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh stands out as the leading autism Autism Doctor In Patna, bihar renowned for his specialized approach to autism spectrum disorders.

Dr. Singh is one of the top psychiatrist in Patna, with over 10+ years of experience in Neuro & Child Psychiatry, including running a daycare for addiction recovery.

He finished his MBBS from a highly ranked government medical college in Patna and went on to get his MD in Psychiatry from another top-notch university in Pune.

He also got a Diploma in Neurology from Birmingham, UK in 2019 and a Diploma in Community Mental Health from CIP, Ranchi. He’s the only psychiatrist in Patna, Bihar with a degree in Neurology after completing his Psychiatry studies.

He trained in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry through a course by the Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Mental Health (IACAM) and is one of the few psychiatrists who specialize in this area.

He also trained at Nithra Institute Of Sleep Sciences in Chennai for treating snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, gaining a lot of experience in sleep medicine.

Dr. Singh is also an expert in treating addictions like alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, and more without having to send patients to a rehab center. He’s worked extensively at AIIMS and PMCH, Patna.


Taking Help From Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh Top Autism Doctor In Patna

Dr. Singh’s clinic “Pratap Neuro & Child Psychiatry” focuses on personalized treatment plans that incorporate behavioral therapies, parent training, and educational support, fostering holistic development.

Families appreciate his commitment to empowering them with knowledge and resources, making Dr. Singh a trusted name in the field of autism care in the region.

People who want to find the best autism treatment in patna should look at Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh (Best Autism Doctor In Patna, bihar).

Since he’s well-known in Patna, Bihar and has a lot of knowledge about mental health care, people think of him as a go-to person for advice.

Getting in touch with Dr. Vivek Pratap Singh best psychiatrist in Patna, could be the first step to a happier and more fulfilling life for you or someone you care about who’s dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorders.



Autism spectrum disorder  brings a mix of challenges and strengths that vary from person to person.

It’s important to recognize this diversity within Autism spectrum disorder because it helps us provide tailored support to meet each individual’s needs.

Understanding the factors contributing to Autism, like genetics and environment, and spotting signs early on, allows for timely intervention, which is crucial for better outcomes.

Treatments such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), speech therapy, and occupational therapy are available to help individuals with ASD reach their full potential.

It’s also vital to debunk myths about autism, like the idea that everyone with ASD is a savant or that it can be cured.

People looking for “autism treatment near me” or “autism centre near me” can visit Pratap Neuro & Child Psychiatry clinic that offer Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, as these approaches have shown success in improving communication and social skills.

Autism therapy centre in patna can provide personalized treatment plans, ensuring that children receive the right interventions.

By promoting acceptance and inclusion, we can create a society where people with autism feel valued and empowered.

Through advocacy and access to support networks, we can provide the assistance individuals with ASD and their families need to navigate life’s challenges.

Embracing neurodiversity and creating an accepting environment will lead to a world where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive and live fulfilling lives.