
Can drug addiction cause schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that changes the behavior, thinking, as well as feeling of a person. There is a lot of connection between addiction & schizophrenia, & that’s what we are going to discuss in this blog about schizophrenia and...

How Alzheimer's Affects The Brain? Well, a healthy human brain contains tens of billions of neurons, specialized cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. They send information between different parts of the brain and between the muscles and organs from the brain...

Many people use both the term Drug Abuse vs Drug Addiction interchangeably, both abuse and addiction have different meanings. Well, it’s also a fact that one can get into drug abuse without getting addicted ot it. So, let’s understand both the terms precisely. What is Drug Abuse? Drug abuse...

OCD people always wonder Are the OCD thoughts real? People with OCD are always overwhelmed by the intrusive thoughts and they also wonder what if my intrusive thoughts are real? They also try to avoid the situations that bring the thoughts back. Well, you must be wondering...

Both alcohol & drugs are a crunch but do only being a dangerous state that there are no Differences between Drug Addiction and Alcoholism? Let’s understand in brief… A person having an addiction to alcohol might end up getting heavily drunk or have a habit of...

Without knowing the indications of addiction, identifying a drug addiction might be challenging. Substance use disorders can alter a person's appearance, behavior, and feelings, and substance abuse symptoms can be physical, behavioral, or psychological in nature. Hence, The first step toward getting help is to...

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